
Best lawn trimmer 2017
Best lawn trimmer 2017

These pruners don’t make quite as clean a slice as the ARS and Felco models do, and they don’t move as smoothly. That cut, however, required more effort than with our top two picks.

best lawn trimmer 2017

We even cut a ¾-inch branch one-handed with this pair, a feat that only the best pruners in the test could manage. The blades are sharp enough to slice through spindly stems and thick branches swiftly and efficiently. If you want to pay a fraction of the price for performance that’s almost as good as that of the best pruners out there, the Corona BP 3180 Classic Cut Forged Bypass Pruner is a great budget pick. If you can find this tool for less than the Felco 2’s price, you can be confident that you’re buying the best available pruner. We were also concerned about the availability of ARS models, as this Japanese brand isn’t as widespread as the Swiss brand Felco in the United States. The HP-VS8Z is so good that we almost made it our top pick for this guide, but its pricing is inconsistent-and sometimes very high (we’ve seen it fluctuate between $50 and $80). Comfortable plastic-coated aluminum handles (which are available in other sizes) make cutting easy. Every other pair of pruners jerked or stuck on something in our test, but not this pair. The ARS has stunningly sharp high-carbon steel blades that have been tempered for hardness and resilience, and the tight, precise tolerance between the two blades creates a silky-smooth cutting action.

best lawn trimmer 2017

This tool was the only model that consistently made perfectly clean, flat cuts in soft stems, woody growth, hardwood dowels, and even ¾-inch buckthorn branches without crushing or tearing anything-and with less effort.

best lawn trimmer 2017

If you yearn for the perfect pruner, you’ll finally be satisfied with the ARS HP-VS8Z.

Best lawn trimmer 2017